Tuesday, April 29, 2008

First Week Back!

Its Tuesday night and I have been trying to stay off my tired legs. I have not had this feeling of achy legs in a while...(well 2 weeks and a day), since IM Arizona and I welcome it! I am hoping I didn't push too hard today as I had a hard Zone 4 interval workout on the bike. My srm is still not working since I broke the sensor in IM and I have to order a new one. Therefore I had to predict my Zone 4 which ended up being all out intervals mostly into a 20 mph wind. I had my good friend Joe and a very talented runner and up and coming triathlete, Dave to keep me working very hard. The intervals were great as they took my mind off the fact that the wind was howling and in our face. It was a great ride with alot of good energy.

This morning was a very solid 4400 yards of swimming. My friend Maggie and I had the whole pool to ourselves. We like to swim side by side in the same lane which I always think must look pretty funny to most people seeing there is a whole pool available. The reason we like to swim right next to each other is it really forces us to push each other hard. We are both competitive. Maggie has alot more swimming talent than me but I definitely think I like to work harder. I know when I decide on the last 25 of a 200 to take it up to the last notch I might have, she is cursing me under the water. I am always trying to get her to crack, but it seldom happens. The harder I push the longer her stroke seems to get. She's about a foot taller than me which does not work in my favor either. I much prefer to have company or to swim with a masters group than to swim alone. I am always thankful when she arrives at the pool,coffee in one hand, cell phone in another, a stack of Atlantic Club towels stashed under her arm , and an array of bathing suits swinging from her bacpac!
Today was a threshold swim and it HURT! But I got through it and I was very HAPPY with my times. I am really enjoying swimming alot these days! I took over two minutes off my IM swim time last year and I know soon I shall see my swim times drop even more. Well its getting late and I need my recovery sleep...so I can run and swim with the same enthusiasm tomorrow!

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