Friday, April 25, 2008

Getting back!

I have taken 10 days off...without doing much at all! I have had a lot of good quality time with my kids as they have been out of school. So its been a good break! We went to a zoo, a science center, a crayola factory and an amusement park. We've had outdoor picnics riverside and perfected the art of rock tossing. I've biked and swam with my kids. We stayed up late and jumped on hotel beds and ate lots of icecream and pizza and read books until the wee hours...we had a blast and now I'm exhausted! So last night I have tried to get back to a schedule.
I did my first real training day yesterday. A 3200 yard swim in am and a 7 mile run that got a little harder than I should of run in the pm. My legs were really sore again after that although I felt great running. I shall keep things on the easier side until Paulo puts me back on a schedule.
I look forward to getting back to good solid training.

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