Today out on the roads of Las Cruces, New Mexico I fell in love with biking again.
Since my crash in September of last year I have had a bitter relationship with biking. A little nervous at times with cars pulling out in front of me, definitely cautious, but I haven't even had much road time. Riding on the road has felt forced and unsafe with ice, heaps of snows making it tough for cars to see you and the roads took such a beating leaving huge potholes everywhere. Winter has been long and majority of rides have been on my trainer. These rides have not been torture as they have not been crazy long like a few people I know that are training for Ironman, but they have been a bit of a struggle.
Bottom line is I love the outdoors, I love to feel the sun on my back, the wind and have the open roads where you find that sweet spot where you are riding effortlessly, just you and your bike... free!
Well today I felt that and was so happy.The wind was at my back, I was in the aero bars, pushing comfortably, enjoying the beautiful scenery. I love the mountains and the dry air was such a good change from all the rain and snow.
My pool swim was equally as enjoyable today at the NMSU pool. It was great to see Danny looking fit and strong and I look forward to swimming outdoors for the next 10 days. The pool was set up long course and the water was perfectly warm and it felt so good to have the sun on my back.
Tonight Linsey and Lauren come into town and tomorrow Paulo and Tracy arrive. It shall be an awesome training camp and a well needed good quality stretch of training.
Well off to go run...more up dates soon!
Can't wait to join you!
Have a great week!
It's not Maui...but it is great to be back training in will be missed here!
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