Where your pleasure is,there is your treasure.
Where there is treasure, there is your heart.
Where your heart is there is your happiness!!
Every year I do a photo video of my best memories from the year. But sadly when I went to do it the video site no longer works! So I began frantically looking for another way to post my best memories!
So Here goes..A year in photos! Wow I was super busy this year. I am so thankful to have the support of my family, my Coach, Rev 3 and all the great Sponsors of 2011.(TYR,First Endurance,Avia ,Recovery Pump, Kestrel) Without them this year would not have been possible. Also to Brielle Cyclery, Jimmy Smith, Dr Gerry Goldberger, and my training buddies! Its been a great year!
Train out in New Mexico with the Triathlon Squad
Travel to Rev 3's Costa Rica. An amazing family trip!~ Too many pictures to choose from!

Travel to Boston to meet up with new Coach Jesse Kroplelnicki from Qt2 Systems. Start new training program!
My Birthday race...10 miler win!

Race Galveston 70.3 National Championships

Training camp in Florida with QT2 SYSTEMS
Claremont National Training Center

St Croix 70.3 7th place
IM TEXAS National Championships...PR race for me. Went 9hr 27min. 8th place

Race Rev3 Quassy. Family joined me for some fun!

Girls dress up for NYC fun!
Race IM Lake Placid 5th place

Race Steelhead OH 6th place

Crashed training a week later :-(

Lots of PT and good family time!

Announced at a few races...good as kept me in the loop!

Start back a light training schedule!
5 km race...Felt great to be back racing! 1st place!

Travel to Thailand with Sydney to visit with my family and to race Asia Pacific Championships 70.3!
5 mile race to end off the year! 3rd place
Happy New Year! Looking forward to a great 2012!
Love the pictures! www.dashingdiva.net
love the photo recap of 2011. my favourite picture is the one of you crossing the finishline in Thailand with that huge smile :)
Thanks Robin and Bre...Yes I was really happy to be crossing that finishline!!!
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