Iron Chin
The ability to absorb punches when you get hit with a big shot and stay standing.
To remain on your feet despite seeing black flashing lights, blurred, double or triple vision and feeling a buzz that goes all the way to your toes.
Some say you are either born with a good chin or not. Other says it's a mental toughness that when your brain tells you to go down to the canvas you will yourself to stay on your feet.
The last twelve days I feel like I have taken a beating. From my crash on August 20th...that knocked me out cold! Leaving me with a broken clavicle and blurry vision.
With that came the harsh reality of my sudden end to my season and not been able to race IM Canada and therefore missing Kona . So much disappointment came with it but I accepted it and am moving forward.
As I came out of the blur of morphine and percocet I realized I could not walk. Once again an uppercut to the belly! From independent to bound to my bed...each step acute pain. With huge amounts of swelling, bursitis of the knee and a swollen ankle I assumed that was the culprit. But after 9 days of no walking Dr Goldberger from Advanced Orthopedics suggested I get a MRI of the hip.
On day 9 we made a painful trip with a mandatory evacuatiion my house to higher grounds to escape the potential flooding from Hurricane Irene!
Things were looking up as our house survived unscathed....Very thankful about that!!! Because I had visions of trying to clean up a flooded house...
Today I got to have my follow up appointment with Dr Goldberger to see how my clavicle was healing and he dropped the bomb that I had indeed fractured my pelvis.
Thankfully its a non weight bearing fracture but there will be no pounding for a few months!
As if that wasn't enough I have a nice tear to the groin....so I have my work cut out for me!!
Now that I think I have no more surprises coming....I am ready to get my healing going full force!
Dr G pulled out his knife today to cut away my sutures. After he saw me whimpering he opted for the much gentler looking scissors. He did a beautiful job of my surgery...

The plate looks like its holding strong although a small fragment escaped but he assures me it will find it's way back to the mother bone!

Next up I hit PT where dear friend Jimmy Smith welcomed me with a lesson in anatomy and added some exercises to my routine of swinging my arm in small circles. a movement that is so small but very painful.
Lastly I stopped at Active Release Therapy where Dr Liz Perez gave me a much needed hug and worked on my aches and pains.
So here begins the recovery process but I have no doubt that I will be back stronger as you all keep telling me!!! I will get back into the ring as soon as I can...Can't wait for 2012!