Today we awoke to much better weather than yesterday. The snow had melted off the mountain and the sun was shining brightly. It was however a brisk 39 degrees at 8am. I had been laying in bed since around 6am waiting for the girls to wake contemplating exactly how I was feeling today. If you had read my earlier blogs you'll know I've been fighting a head cold/sinus infection and I was concerned after yesterdays ride that my viral infection could be going into my lungs.
Last night Mariana had picked up some cough syrup for me to add to my concoction of antibiotics,ibuprofen, Vit C and cough and sore throat drops I've been taking.
When I woke up I was having body aches and pains and everything was hurting.
I was too feeling a few repocussions of riding my new bike without having a true good fit yet. We were meant to go over to Dannys house last night where Jonnyo was going to fit Andrea and my bike, but we were just too tired. The result of the ride was a very tight right hamstring and knees.
I really wanted to get the long ride in today...but I was not feeling very good. When Mariana and Andrea woke we contemplated my situation. I put in an email to Paulo too to see what he thought. By 9am I decided I would go forth with getting my things ready with the goal of riding a few hours and seeing how I felt. Today I was going to ride my Trek as it is a fit I'm used to. The only concern I had was that I had no srm power meter, no cateye nothing so I was going to ride just on heart rate and time.Today we had a 5 hour ride with 3 x30 minute Zone 3 intervals scheduled followed by a 40 minute transition run. This was a big workout!
I had to switch my wheels and water bottle cages over to the Trek, pack up our extra bottles, gels etc that would be needed for the long ride. By the time 10 am rolled around I think the ibuprofen had kicked in and I was actually feeling a little better and made up my mind to go for it....